Do you miss me? ... I know I shouldn't ask these questions. Oh well. Since its been such a lonng time, I guess I should start with Great West, hey?

So... The Englers were kind enough to take me with them in their vehicle to Chamisall... Thanks Englers! We sang songs all the way from Cochrine to camp... it was awesome! The first night we tried to watch a movie but half way through it stopped working. We also tried to play a game, but it was IMPOSSIBLE!!! You try to balance a ball on a board with STRINGS, walk across the room, and put the ball through a hole in the board into a basket. I think that one tea got one in, but that was luck...
On the Friday we did some practice quizzes, and I did well, I'm not gonna lie. I was on a team with Tomi, Kyle, April, and Heather... And even though we didn't get into championships (which was probably my fault... heh heh) we won consolation! WOOT!!!!!! Snowmen were built, jokes were made, we nicknamed Ben (he is now Kutchmababins... if thats how its spelled), and it was an all-around great weekend. Personally, I came in 35th or something crazy like that, with an average of about 9 (I'm rounding to make myself feel better) and 15 errors.

After that, I resolved to copy out the material 15 times. I tried... but it didn't happen. :o(

Nakamun came pretty fast after that, and with only Love According to John and study week between GW and Nak... it was insane! NEXT went in head first though, and we rocked it. Our cabin was awesome, as we all respected each other's needs to sleep, studied together, made up really stupid moose and monkey stories with watermelon... but nobody's gonna understand that...

NEXT 1 decided to take the long road to championships, placing 4th in the morning, and starting the afternoon with a 2nd and 3rd. So... we had a LOT of quizzes after that. BUT! Even though my mom was sweating bullets and each quiz came down to the last question (literally, out last 4 quizzes of the afternoon were all either tie-breakers or last-question-makes-or-breaks-this quizzes), in the end we made it to finals, and we were all ecstatic, especially since it was Jon's last quiz meet, and probably Troy's last time coaching us.
Nat's qualifiers went well, I got, like, 5 right or something, and I was awful proud of myself. Didn't make the team, but I'll admit, I wasn't quizzing very well this year anyways, and would've brought the team down anyways.
Finals finally came around, and it was an intense quiz, and we came in second to Foothills 2... which wasn't a bad thing, because, as Troy would say, it's not that bad when you lose to a team thats genuinely better than you.
Jon went out with a bang... he placed 9th! Sadly, Jon graduated at Nakamun, and I think I speak for everyone at Next when I say, we're gonna miss him. Not only cause he's extremely good at quizzing, cause he is, but because practices are going to be really boring without his puns. well, that is if we don't somehow convince him to coach... Keep your fingers crossed for our convincing skills!
While I'm being emotional here, Troy is probably leaving us, too. Its not gonna be the same... Troy got NEXT 1 to where we are... He is the best coach EVER! I'll admit, I cried when we had to leave, knowing that Jon and Laura wouldn't be on the benches with us, and Troy probably wasn't going to be coaching, but I'm trying to look ahead. I'm trying to get Lana and Patricia all psyched up for next year, I don't know whether its successful or not, but I hope so.
anyways, enough with the sentimental stuff. In the end of it all, I've learned a LOT this year, and all good things have to end eventually, right? I mean, I'm leaving town after I graduate, so I can't blame other people for not coming back and coaching, right?
So... now that its all over, what are YOU guys doing with your life? What have you learned this year? I learned that work ethic DOES need to be renewed, that team dynamic is just as important as individual scores, and all good quizzers make errors... you just have to learn from them and keep going.
Well, see ya in August for the countdown, maybe earlier if I find some tips or study methods... I'll try to update you on studying over the Summer, I've already started Hebrews... Last year I took a long break and regretted it, like< REALLY regretted it. Are you guys taking a break? Who's graduating?



Well. I stopped the title before it became a song reference. Are you proud of me? I'm proud of me. Are you proud of me? LOL!

Anyways. I totally disappeared, didn't I? Yes... I vanished sometime during the last quiz meet and I haven't blooged about it and I feel like a terrible person for it. So here's the down low on the last quiz meet.

I was actually pretty relaxed by the time we got to our first quiz, probably too relaxed. A group of us quizzers got together and got a tour of Ambrose University (they have an amazing music room, by the way), and we had watched Tim Hawkins for most of the drive, so we weren't really in the worst mood. Dropped my stuff off at the hotel where my mom and I were staying, went out for supper and showed up a bit early, not that it was a bad thing. Talked to some people, got pumped up, went to announcements, and trekked upstairs for the first quiz of the meet.
Jon and Patricia did really well in the first quiz, but I erred out. Talk about a bad move right off the bat. I couldn't think about how everyone else was doing as much cause I just kept thinking about how stupid all of my jumps were and how much of a moron I felt like for getting the questions wrong that I did. It was not a good quiz, in my opinion, and after the quiz Jon and I ripped up the score sheet into several pieces. My mom took me out for ice cream right before DQ closed, and we watched a movie. WOAH! What happened there? I wasn't studying? Like, really? Yeah. I freak myself out, too.
I admit, I still didn't sleep very long but when I woke up I wasn't in a panic like I usually am during quiz meets. Which was odd. But on to the stuff we care about, right? The quizzing. The morning quizzes went a LOT better than the quiz the night before and we all felt better in the end of it all, making it into championships and stuff. We were excited, like we always are when we do well, and even though we took a long road in the afternoon, didn't make it to finals. We had some amazing quizzes, impossible questions, Patricia banged her head on a microphone (then got the question right) and we had an all-around good time. Jon, Patricia and I all made it to Great West and we're all going, after I talked their heads off and threatened to kick Jon. Heh heh. I'm not violent.

BUT WAIT! There's more! We all went to Great White North practice together!! YAY! That was fun. My quizzing was... off... Patricia didn't feel too good either, but the day was fun. Before the practice, Patricia and I went looking around at Home Hardware, then I felt bad for just hanging around in the store and bought tic tacs. :oD.
The practice itself was great. I got some good advice on jumping, challenging tips (no, I'm not gonna dedicate an entire page to challenging. Maybe.), and TONS of motivation.

Anyways, Great West is a day after tomorrow, and I have a LOT of work to do... I'm gonna go finish up the flashcards! Up to chapter 18 is up... I apologize for the wait and the rushed-ness of this blog!

Quizzers UNITE!

Let me explain the title first, kay? Thanks.
I am going through culture shock right now. I mean, come on, in the real world you actually have to get a non-quizzing EDUCATION!!! LOL!
Second, I didn't sleep well last night.
And third, I know this is going to be a looong blog.

So for those of you who haven't been reading my blog since the last quiz meet, I went to Great West last weekend! It was SO MUCH FUN! Lets get stats over with before I start going into all the emotional and psychological and sleep-related blogging, shall we? I placed 21st (YESSS!) with an average of 12.5 and my team placed 5th!!! So, yeah, that was really exciting.

But that wasn't particularily why it was such a fantabulous quiz meet. I mean, partially but you catch my drift. I was on a great team... me, Renae, Sarah, Carrie (if you're reading this and know I spelled it wrong please comment the actual spelling) and Kimmy, and we worked pretty well together. I mean, we all cooperated pretty well together and it was a worthwhile weekend to attend.

It was definitely a learning weekend. I mean, I've NEVER been confident enough to jump WAY too early and just throw out a random answer. Either of them! I've NEVER done ANYTHING to do with strategy... our strategy at NEXT has always been to try to jmp early and get points. I never knew there were certain amounts of types of questions in each quiz, and I never really counted or noticed how many syllables other people were jumping on. AND I have never NOT panicked at a quiz meet. Great West was a GREAT quiz meet for learning how to quiz better, and for making friends with people you absolutely hate quizzing against (cause thery're so good, right? Its not that I HATE anybody, I just hate quizzing on a different team than them.

Oh yeah, one more thing I learned at Great West: At least TRY to sleep if you know you have to wake up the next morning at 7:30. Zzzzzz....

Speaking of sleep (I know, this is getting long) I was planning on listening to the material in my sleep so I was just listening to it and drifting off and my mind started going bonkers... I mean I guess there was this character I unconsciously made up named Bob. And Bob did not know how to read or write. And I thought Bob was so smart for saying all that cool stuff, and was wondering why he was so obsessed with the resurrection of the dead... then every now and then in the hour or so I spent thinking these things I'd realise a) Who's Bob? And b) Thats 1 and 2 Corinthians. Not... uh... Bob.

Okay, I've rambled at you long enough for one night. Gotta get going on the set of flashcards for my iPod... Need those for Nakamun!

OMG Nakamuns in less than 2 weeks!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *Freak out*

Until probably sometime this week, comment what you've learned from Quizzing this year!

Happy studying!

WOOHOOOOOOO! Guess what people? Awesomeness alert... I'm getting ready for Great West... which is in, not 7, not 6, not even 5 whole days but 4 sleeps including tonight until Great West! Woohoo!

And you know what? I get the ENTIRE week off of school in preparation! To do: STUDY! I'm SERIOUSLY pumped!

Goals for Great West: Quiz out. Just once... thats all I need. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a really good quiz... thats my goal. I don't really care how my personal scores turn out... I just want 1 quiz-out!

Anybody set goals for themselves for quiz meets? Its a great idea! OMG... did I put that in my nerves section? *scrambles to find an article on the page about setting goals...*

Aside from Great West, Finals are coming up WAY too soon for my liking! I mean, sure, after Great West, my quizzing will have greatly improved but its still scary to think that I have 2 practices between Great West and Nakamun. Why? Cause its FINALS! And its not a lot of time between quiz meets... and I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing but it WILL have an effect!

So, all smiles and studying till then, right? *note to self: stop being such a cheesy blogger.*

Well, I'm gonna go put some stuff up!

Wow... It seems like its been forever since I've blogged! Since my last blog a bit had happened... and by a bit I mean a lot.

First of all, I recited 14 chapters of Text in 2 days. Yeah. I was that far behind.

I got the rest of the flashcard questions... they'll be caught up and everything in a few days.

I went to Great West practice (HALLELUJAH! Still excited...) and learned how to jump faster... now it won't be as frustrating to quiz against fast jumpers! :o)

I was in Love According to John where I nearly fell into the orchestra pit (but I didn't :oP) and lost about 5 days of studying... almost... I still studied but not as much as I should've.

Seriously... I'm not a very interesting person. I'd be more interesting if I'd give you the sweet details... but that'd take up a lot of blog space.

Anyone wanna send stuff in? I haven't added anything in a while!
I've been studying like a monster since the quiz meet, people. Like even more than normal. Like, more than MY normal. This is overkill. So I'm going to blog for a bit.

Wow... I am BLOWN AWAY!! Do you know how many views I got 3 days ago?? Do you want to know??? Of course you do... 120!!!! It makes me smile to know that people are actually finding worth and use in this website!!! Warm fuzzies much!

I just realised I have to study more than one chapter per week for Great West. I am freaking out about Great West. I am homestly. Freaking. Out. I mean, its like studying and practices take on a WHOLE different meaning... I mean, I WANT to get EVERY question I get right. I want to answer as MANY questions as I possibly can in an hour. I want to study ALL the time... it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. Motivation much?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just having a really good 2 weeks. Leave a comment cause nobody ever does... I'm going to try to ask a question you can comment on for every blog I make now... so this blogs question is: what motivates YOU? Bribery? Competition in meets? Or even practices? Tell me! Tell me! Please? Cause nobody ever comments. Except Patricia. And if SHE doesn't even comment on this I'll take a hint.

Have a great week, fellow quizzers, and check out the flashcards, chapter 8 is UP!
